Great Comments and Questions Paul, Thanks for this. CONGRATULATIONS! and Thank-you for staying on Board the Ship for as long it takes! There will be...Great Comments and Questions Paul, Thanks for this. CONGRATULATIONS! and Thank-you for staying on Board the Ship for as long it takes! There will be some Great stops along the way to jump off and on while smelling the Roses. We are certainly coming into Dock and Beginning our next Phase of Growth, I think there are even a few New Roses too!
My comments are here Paul, below your Post. It’s certainly a Prelude … Cheers Buddy!
*** Everyone should read it, it’s for you too! Induced by Paul, of course!
Paul’s POST:
Paul LaSala 3 days ago
Coming up on my 4 year anniversary to iCannabinoid
Registered Date
Monday, 28 October 2019
Would be great to graduate to the next level in the near future. I seriously wonder Raymond, when or if there are future plans for your auto-biography being written. I've only seen from my distant vantage point these past 4 years of you being the helmsman to this war-ravaged ship. Not too many people have the qualities you possess that have allowed us to advance to this critical juncture. I believe we were left for dead, destined to be swept under the rug by various entities ,but NO! something or someone was a game-changer! How did you evolve? Who or what instilled your make-up/qualities/ethics?
I could go on but I'll wait to read the book!!
Thank you Raymond for going the distance some point most of us will realize this wasn't by luck but by forces of change that could not and would not be denied.
E Pluribus Unum
Paul L. Show less
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4 people like this.
*** My RESPONSE to Paul:
Wowwwww, Thanks Paul !!
You HIT the Nail on the Head. WE will NOT be Denied. Many have tried and are Still Trying.
We are about to cross the Finish Line to the Next Level. It's just like when GOD Promised Moses the Promised Land. AND GOD, PARTED the RED SEA at the last Minute, MOSES never gave up. MOSES just kept going, he didn’t know how, he Only knew GOD.
I just kept moving in the right direction, I do not give up, I do not Deny GOD. GOD has always been my Underlying Strength. AND it’s No Secret, we should ALL Fear the WRATH of GOD, even Pure Evil is Smart enough to FEAR IT. EVIL does not Fear MAN or WOMAN, it FEARS GOD.
*** ALL my Life has been FULL of Battles, Ups and Downs and Sideways. Massive Successes and Massive (Perceived) Failures. Some by Me, Some by Evil Forces seen, and Some by Evil unseen. Even as a Youngster I used my GOD given Belief, FAITH, Common sense, and STRENGTHS to navigate through the Storms, the Battles, and the Worst periods of influence in my life all to end up here and NOW. Thank GOD for that.
Business, Family, and Personal, I’ve been through MORE than anyone can IMAGINE. From Scraping the Bottom of the Bottom and asking GOD why ... To SOARING so UNBELIEVABLY High, and even still, asking GOD why … as I got Older the Wisdom came on EVEN STRONGER, like a Freight Train and the Perseverance was always there to see me through to Success in all my Endeavors.
*** With all that accumulated experience, I know BOTH Sides and EXACTLY why … I no longer ask GOD why … I Only ask GOD … How HIGH … and I already know that answer too.
Yesir! The Book, The Movie, The TV Show, the Events and Documentaries. The FRANCHISE is about to Open for Business, Again. We will NOT be Denied, the Gates are about to be Opened AGAIN. Even WIDER DOORS than before so EVERYONE can get in, and fit in, for Good. Thank GOD.
*** In lieu of the upcoming OTC Exchange re-listing I’m changing our COMMUNICATIONS;
1. Our GBXI ASU/CSi-VIP’s will receive the VIP Packages, Product Specials, and Event Alerts.
2. Everyone who PAID their CSi-GIFT Shares $65.00 processing fees will continue to receive our UPDATES via CSi-GIFT Shares Communications.
3. Our Shareholder News Releases will be fired up again once our OTC Markets re-listing takes effect.
Thanks again for this Paul, you Certainly Googled my Brain for this, Thank you! I think it needed to come out NOW right before what’s next. All the Best to ALL our Shareholders, CSi-GIFT Shareholders, and ALL our VIPs’.
Btw … My call with the Cancer Drug Valuation Group was outstanding yesterday! They certainly know what they are doing, and I’ve learned so much from them already. The Comparables, the Cancer Markets, and our Growth Potential, all based on valuation levels based on where we are at in the market and the process to bring our Cancer Drugs to market. Next call for numbers review is Friday, Outstanding.
*** Calling ALL our Investors, Let’s get it Right and NOW, before the changes take effect. Never mind the Negative Influences they will always be there, that's why we care changing the Communications. We KNOW what we have, at this Level let's make sure you HAVE what you should have. 1. 2. or 3.
Talk soon Raymond – IGWT, Amen.
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*** Warning this document contains graphic images.
Click the Below Image to Review our Cancer Drug Comparables
The ASU Digital Business HUB will be used as the main business student learning center. GBXI will be the main pivot point to spin out trading shares of all our Partner Public and Private Companies such as Cannabis Science, iCannabinoid, Thermic Science, LNC, LMG, and a few more old and new school surprises for our loyal shareholders. No one will be missed! A true Digital Business HUB for students, just as planned all along.
Each spinout company will give our GBXI registered shareholders additional pro-rata shares in each spinout company over and above their original shares in each entity. This provides the required shareholder base for each company required to trade and gives additional shares to all our loyal GBXI shareholders.
We call this “Compounding our Wealth” through extra spinout share participation for all our loyal GBXI shareholders. Each registered GBXI shareholder will receive additional shares of each spinout Company over and above their original shares to enjoy additional liquidity as each company begins to trade through the GBXI Digital Business HUB spinout process.
Click here to review the Report:
Case No. 2:17-CV-02271-KJM-JDP
Inspire, Dream, Change
YOUR DIGITAL ERA Personal & Business Access Learning HUB
*** Warning this document contains exciting images.
Pease Click the Calendar image to book your time to speak with Mr. Dabney about "Your Final CSi-VIP Shareholder Legacy".
The FINAL “CBIS GIFT Shares” Issuances!
ALL GIFT Shares 1, 2, & 3 being ISSUED !!!
LAST Steps:
Please confirm Yours NOW !!!
1. CONFIRM Correct Total Share Amount(s)
2. CONFIRM Correct Name(s) on CERTIFICATE
3. CONFIRM Correct Mailing Address
At it's FINEST !!!
Those who, MAKE things happen.
Those who WATCH things happen.
Those who WONDER what the ... HAPPENED ???
We can make this HAPPEN way FASTER Working as a TEAM !!!
WHAT Matters is how much you CARE about KILLING CANCERS ...
This is it ... We are ALL Here ... Now ... with a Bunch of Celebrities going on TV Worldwide to Start raising $20 Million to Keep Killing Cancers.
2025 Audit considerations NASDAQ.
Cannabis Science Inc.
Share Structure 2025
Par Value: $0.001 USD
Last Price: $0.00647 USD
OTC Markets.
Common Stock:
Fully Diluted:
Class A Common Stock
Class B Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Sign up for a FREE Assessment to JOIN the UNIVERSITY Team or any ASU/CSi-EDP Team for whatever your AREA of Expertise is … then say no more… you already know.
You already know our Extensive LIST of GROUNDBREAKING Products.
1-Million STRONG TV Coverage, HARVARD Award Success.
*** APPLY for FREE in CONFIDENCE and Success.
Each Product launch WE RELEASE will include Equity Participation according to standard salaries and share bonus structures.
Great Comments and Questions Paul, Thanks for this. CONGRATULATIONS! and Thank-you for staying on Board the Ship for as long it takes! There will be...Great Comments and Questions Paul, Thanks for this. CONGRATULATIONS! and Thank-you for staying on Board the Ship for as long it takes! There will be some Great stops along the way to jump off and on while smelling the Roses. We are certainly coming into Dock and Beginning our next Phase of Growth, I think there are even a few New Roses too!
My comments are here Paul, below your Post. It’s certainly a Prelude … Cheers Buddy!
*** Everyone should read it, it’s for you too! Induced by Paul, of course!
Paul’s POST:
Paul LaSala 3 days ago
Coming up on my 4 year anniversary to iCannabinoid
Registered Date
Monday, 28 October 2019
Would be great to graduate to the next level in the near future. I seriously wonder Raymond, when or if there are future plans for your auto-biography being written. I've only seen from my distant vantage point these past 4 years of you being the helmsman to this war-ravaged ship. Not too many people have the qualities you possess that have allowed us to advance to this critical juncture. I believe we were left for dead, destined to be swept under the rug by various entities ,but NO! something or someone was a game-changer! How did you evolve? Who or what instilled your make-up/qualities/ethics?
I could go on but I'll wait to read the book!!
Thank you Raymond for going the distance some point most of us will realize this wasn't by luck but by forces of change that could not and would not be denied.
E Pluribus Unum
Paul L. Show less
Unlike Share
4 people like this.
*** My RESPONSE to Paul:
Wowwwww, Thanks Paul !!
You HIT the Nail on the Head. WE will NOT be Denied. Many have tried and are Still Trying.
We are about to cross the Finish Line to the Next Level. It's just like when GOD Promised Moses the Promised Land. AND GOD, PARTED the RED SEA at the last Minute, MOSES never gave up. MOSES just kept going, he didn’t know how, he Only knew GOD.
I just kept moving in the right direction, I do not give up, I do not Deny GOD. GOD has always been my Underlying Strength. AND it’s No Secret, we should ALL Fear the WRATH of GOD, even Pure Evil is Smart enough to FEAR IT. EVIL does not Fear MAN or WOMAN, it FEARS GOD.
*** ALL my Life has been FULL of Battles, Ups and Downs and Sideways. Massive Successes and Massive (Perceived) Failures. Some by Me, Some by Evil Forces seen, and Some by Evil unseen. Even as a Youngster I used my GOD given Belief, FAITH, Common sense, and STRENGTHS to navigate through the Storms, the Battles, and the Worst periods of influence in my life all to end up here and NOW. Thank GOD for that.
Business, Family, and Personal, I’ve been through MORE than anyone can IMAGINE. From Scraping the Bottom of the Bottom and asking GOD why ... To SOARING so UNBELIEVABLY High, and even still, asking GOD why … as I got Older the Wisdom came on EVEN STRONGER, like a Freight Train and the Perseverance was always there to see me through to Success in all my Endeavors.
*** With all that accumulated experience, I know BOTH Sides and EXACTLY why … I no longer ask GOD why … I Only ask GOD … How HIGH … and I already know that answer too.
Yesir! The Book, The Movie, The TV Show, the Events and Documentaries. The FRANCHISE is about to Open for Business, Again. We will NOT be Denied, the Gates are about to be Opened AGAIN. Even WIDER DOORS than before so EVERYONE can get in, and fit in, for Good. Thank GOD.
*** In lieu of the upcoming OTC Exchange re-listing I’m changing our COMMUNICATIONS;
1. Our GBXI ASU/CSi-VIP’s will receive the VIP Packages, Product Specials, and Event Alerts.
2. Everyone who PAID their CSi-GIFT Shares $65.00 processing fees will continue to receive our UPDATES via CSi-GIFT Shares Communications.
3. Our Shareholder News Releases will be fired up again once our OTC Markets re-listing takes effect.
Thanks again for this Paul, you Certainly Googled my Brain for this, Thank you! I think it needed to come out NOW right before what’s next. All the Best to ALL our Shareholders, CSi-GIFT Shareholders, and ALL our VIPs’.
Btw … My call with the Cancer Drug Valuation Group was outstanding yesterday! They certainly know what they are doing, and I’ve learned so much from them already. The Comparables, the Cancer Markets, and our Growth Potential, all based on valuation levels based on where we are at in the market and the process to bring our Cancer Drugs to market. Next call for numbers review is Friday, Outstanding.
*** Calling ALL our Investors, Let’s get it Right and NOW, before the changes take effect. Never mind the Negative Influences they will always be there, that's why we care changing the Communications. We KNOW what we have, at this Level let's make sure you HAVE what you should have. 1. 2. or 3.
Talk soon Raymond – IGWT, Amen.
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