Big Wheels keep on TURNING Folks !!
Just wanted to GIVE Everyone a BIG THANK YOU who has been helping to PUSH us on that Frontline, over the Finish...Big Wheels keep on TURNING Folks !!
Just wanted to GIVE Everyone a BIG THANK YOU who has been helping to PUSH us on that Frontline, over the Finish Line.
Congrats to our NEW VIP Investors, Congrats to our Original VIP investors for stepping up with whatever you can do and do continue to do!
Glad to see the CBIS GIFT Share list growing too! Congrats Guys.
*** Good News: We just received more comments from the Exchange we have answered yesterday and continue down the path to complete.
*** We still need more Funds to Effect the changes much Faster! THIS IS HOW WE DO IT, Step by Step. Everyone is using the Credit Card link and it ALL Helps KEEP Pushing Guys!
The market trading is SUSPECT too, I've been told it's Market Makers just as it looks, no one we KNOW is or WOULD be selling stock at those prices and no one can EVEN Buy it. 100, 300, 500 shares at those prices is how much money ??
*** A few of our close investors are trying to BUY to no avail, we can SEE its SUSPECT the Market Makers playing 300 or 500 share games just to make it look Soooo Good, can't be any more OBVIOUSLY Suspect than that.
*** Again, once the Flood Gates open again and GBXI starts trading again Shortly LOOK OUT !!! There will be a Vengeance just as the Lord says, IT IS HIS.
Most likely in that order too! We do the work, the rest moves at GODSPEED !!! Out of our hands and we FLY by our Works and SUCCESS gasoline.
*** Next report coming soon ... We have more powerful and exciting developments underway to Push us that much Faster and Further...
ALL the Best Guys.
KEEP PUSHING and Please Send what you Can asap, WE ARE HERE.
Stay Strong and Keep Safe.
It seems the Good vs Evil Battle is heating up.
We KNOW who Wins and so do they.
Just watch the News and the Signs, you can't miss it.
That's why they are "trying to act like" they are sooo good.
Deceit and Lies running Rampant, don't get Suckered.
Common sense, Words, and Actions says it all.
It's not the Time it takes, it's the Time you take.
*** There are almost 7,000 of us in here!
$100.00 - $1,000+ Each and we are There, EVERYTHING Fixed.
Regardless, we won't Stop till we get there.
Just like US, Some are Pushing more than once or twice ...
Be Strong.
Thanks Again,
Raymond - IGWT
Show more
*** Warning this document contains graphic images.
Click the Below Image to Review our Cancer Drug Comparables
The ASU Digital Business HUB will be used as the main business student learning center. GBXI will be the main pivot point to spin out trading shares of all our Partner Public and Private Companies such as Cannabis Science, iCannabinoid, Thermic Science, LNC, LMG, and a few more old and new school surprises for our loyal shareholders. No one will be missed! A true Digital Business HUB for students, just as planned all along.
Each spinout company will give our GBXI registered shareholders additional pro-rata shares in each spinout company over and above their original shares in each entity. This provides the required shareholder base for each company required to trade and gives additional shares to all our loyal GBXI shareholders.
We call this “Compounding our Wealth” through extra spinout share participation for all our loyal GBXI shareholders. Each registered GBXI shareholder will receive additional shares of each spinout Company over and above their original shares to enjoy additional liquidity as each company begins to trade through the GBXI Digital Business HUB spinout process.
Click here to review the Report:
Case No. 2:17-CV-02271-KJM-JDP
Inspire, Dream, Change
YOUR DIGITAL ERA Personal & Business Access Learning HUB
*** Warning this document contains exciting images.
Pease Click the Calendar image to book your time to speak with Mr. Dabney about "Your Final CSi-VIP Shareholder Legacy".
The FINAL “CBIS GIFT Shares” Issuances!
ALL GIFT Shares 1, 2, & 3 being ISSUED !!!
LAST Steps:
Please confirm Yours NOW !!!
1. CONFIRM Correct Total Share Amount(s)
2. CONFIRM Correct Name(s) on CERTIFICATE
3. CONFIRM Correct Mailing Address
At it's FINEST !!!
Those who, MAKE things happen.
Those who WATCH things happen.
Those who WONDER what the ... HAPPENED ???
We can make this HAPPEN way FASTER Working as a TEAM !!!
WHAT Matters is how much you CARE about KILLING CANCERS ...
This is it ... We are ALL Here ... Now ... with a Bunch of Celebrities going on TV Worldwide to Start raising $20 Million to Keep Killing Cancers.
2025 Audit considerations NASDAQ.
Cannabis Science Inc.
Share Structure 2025
Par Value: $0.001 USD
Last Price: $0.00647 USD
OTC Markets.
Common Stock:
Fully Diluted:
Class A Common Stock
Class B Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Sign up for a FREE Assessment to JOIN the UNIVERSITY Team or any ASU/CSi-EDP Team for whatever your AREA of Expertise is … then say no more… you already know.
You already know our Extensive LIST of GROUNDBREAKING Products.
1-Million STRONG TV Coverage, HARVARD Award Success.
*** APPLY for FREE in CONFIDENCE and Success.
Each Product launch WE RELEASE will include Equity Participation according to standard salaries and share bonus structures.
Big Wheels keep on TURNING Folks !!
Just wanted to GIVE Everyone a BIG THANK YOU who has been helping to PUSH us on that Frontline, over the Finish...Big Wheels keep on TURNING Folks !!
Just wanted to GIVE Everyone a BIG THANK YOU who has been helping to PUSH us on that Frontline, over the Finish Line.
Congrats to our NEW VIP Investors, Congrats to our Original VIP investors for stepping up with whatever you can do and do continue to do!
Glad to see the CBIS GIFT Share list growing too! Congrats Guys.
*** Good News: We just received more comments from the Exchange we have answered yesterday and continue down the path to complete.
*** We still need more Funds to Effect the changes much Faster! THIS IS HOW WE DO IT, Step by Step. Everyone is using the Credit Card link and it ALL Helps KEEP Pushing Guys!
The market trading is SUSPECT too, I've been told it's Market Makers just as it looks, no one we KNOW is or WOULD be selling stock at those prices and no one can EVEN Buy it. 100, 300, 500 shares at those prices is how much money ??
*** A few of our close investors are trying to BUY to no avail, we can SEE its SUSPECT the Market Makers playing 300 or 500 share games just to make it look Soooo Good, can't be any more OBVIOUSLY Suspect than that.
*** Again, once the Flood Gates open again and GBXI starts trading again Shortly LOOK OUT !!! There will be a Vengeance just as the Lord says, IT IS HIS.
Most likely in that order too! We do the work, the rest moves at GODSPEED !!! Out of our hands and we FLY by our Works and SUCCESS gasoline.
*** Next report coming soon ... We have more powerful and exciting developments underway to Push us that much Faster and Further...
ALL the Best Guys.
KEEP PUSHING and Please Send what you Can asap, WE ARE HERE.
Stay Strong and Keep Safe.
It seems the Good vs Evil Battle is heating up.
We KNOW who Wins and so do they.
Just watch the News and the Signs, you can't miss it.
That's why they are "trying to act like" they are sooo good.
Deceit and Lies running Rampant, don't get Suckered.
Common sense, Words, and Actions says it all.
It's not the Time it takes, it's the Time you take.
*** There are almost 7,000 of us in here!
$100.00 - $1,000+ Each and we are There, EVERYTHING Fixed.
Regardless, we won't Stop till we get there.
Just like US, Some are Pushing more than once or twice ...
Be Strong.
Thanks Again,
Raymond - IGWT
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"once the Flood Gates open again and GBXI starts... Show more 1 year ago
The List Order is based on the order they will come back to trade in my opinion. This is based on the amount of work to bring... Show more 1 year ago
Mr. Robert Kane,
Member Board of Directors
Director of Investor Relations
Hello Everyone,
... Show more 1 year ago