Hello Robert! May I know how I could update my email and home address?
Wow! GBXI had a trade at $1.23. Text me and I'll explain what's going on.
Hello Everyone,
I’ve just completed my Corporate planning session with Mr. Dabney today. I have some updates for everyone. First, I wanted to thank...Hello Everyone,
I’ve just completed my Corporate planning session with Mr. Dabney today. I have some updates for everyone. First, I wanted to thank those of you who reached out to me via text. I appreciate you being proactive. As a reminder to everyone my cell number is (910) 515-2917. Please text me directly and I’ll do my best to respond to your questions and comments as soon as possible.
The new GBXI Conglomerate updates are as follows:
1. Great News is I’ve been informed that the OTC Exchange has accepted our filings for the change of control documents. It took much longer than expected as there have been some rule changes and new protocols we must adhere to; we got it done and we are waiting for comments now. Once completed all our financials can be posted UpToDate. All our financials are completed and ready to be filed once access has been reestablished for filings after the change of control procedures have been finalized.
2. As Mr. Dabney has stated, all our shares and share purchases are on the books of each respective Company, no one will be missed for any share issuances or trading. If you paid your $65.00 processing fees, they are all on the books as well for record of anyone who has not received their Loyalty Gift Shares in Cannabis Science at this point. We have records for all of you shareholders as well.
3. As stated in the first (5) News Releases of GBX International Group Inc (GBXI) all our main Companies are now being processed for trading through the newly created GBXI conglomerate (a trading SPAC) to get all our shares back trading. GBXI will be accomplishing this through the spinout mechanism provided by the exchange and will occur within GBXI as stated in the news releases as well. ENDO shares have been included, as well as the rest of the Companies stated in the news releases. Each Company will be separated and trading with their own stock symbol as GBXI is now the Parent Company to them all.
4. It is Now 4th and Goal !! that is the newest promo drive to take us over the Goal line! We are in the 4th Quarter, (or close enough) and we are on the Goal line (real close). We announced a $1 Million Dollar raise of 10 cents per share for the general public to push the Company forward over the Goal line. With market fluctuations we have decided to focus on our shareholders and make you ALL VIP’s !!
5. We announced a bunch of VIP promos over the last few months. Now, for this 4th and Goal promotion we’ve opened the doors one last time before we re-launch the American States University. As laid out in those (5) GBXI News releases the ASU University is now our central Digital Business HUB giving all our students, professors, and partners access to the university resources and special programs. We will be launching and re-launching all our different products and services from all our companies through the university partnership programs giving our students real world access to on-the-job training and full-time jobs when they graduate if they so choose.
In closing:
4th and Goal is Now, let’s raise the money we need and have ALL our Shareholders become VIP’s we will be giving the same VIP access to all our Events and Promotions. If you are already a VIP Investor, that is Outstanding and your Support is Greatly appreciated, Please invest more if you can for the 4th and Goal push as you know it all helps!
If you are not a VIP yet, you will be and you will receive the same VIP pricing (.05) for the GBXI shares as the rest of our VIP’s who already invested. All the funds are going directly to re-launch the University and designed to begin our Ascent with our administration Students to complete our share issuances, and our marketing Student bring our products to market.
We have the two payment methods already in use, bank wires and credit card payments for all our VIP investors, it all helps so let’s get this Party Started. If you invested before, please invest again, if you are new to the VIP Program Welcome on Board, looking forward to meeting you at the Party!
Contact me Directly and I’ll go over the VIP paperwork and investing options.
4th and Goal Guys, it’s time to cross the Goal line!
Mr. Robert Kane
Member of the Board of Directors
Director of Investor Relations
GBX International Group Inc., OTC: GBXI
American States University
Cannabis Science
Thermic Science
C. (910) 515-2917
Show more
Hello everybody. Feel free to text me at 910-515-2917. I am here to help.
Good news from Raymond.
Gift Loyalty Program Extended!
Hi Robert, is there an avenue available to acquire GBXI stock at a member’s preferred price.
I am now back on iCannabinoid. Feel free to message me and send me a friend request!
*** Warning this document contains graphic images.
Click the Below Image to Review our Cancer Drug Comparables
The ASU Digital Business HUB will be used as the main business student learning center. GBXI will be the main pivot point to spin out trading shares of all our Partner Public and Private Companies such as Cannabis Science, iCannabinoid, Thermic Science, LNC, LMG, and a few more old and new school surprises for our loyal shareholders. No one will be missed! A true Digital Business HUB for students, just as planned all along.
Each spinout company will give our GBXI registered shareholders additional pro-rata shares in each spinout company over and above their original shares in each entity. This provides the required shareholder base for each company required to trade and gives additional shares to all our loyal GBXI shareholders.
We call this “Compounding our Wealth” through extra spinout share participation for all our loyal GBXI shareholders. Each registered GBXI shareholder will receive additional shares of each spinout Company over and above their original shares to enjoy additional liquidity as each company begins to trade through the GBXI Digital Business HUB spinout process.
Click here to review the Report:
Case No. 2:17-CV-02271-KJM-JDP
Inspire, Dream, Change
YOUR DIGITAL ERA Personal & Business Access Learning HUB
*** Warning this document contains exciting images.
Pease Click the Calendar image to book your time to speak with Mr. Dabney about "Your Final CSi-VIP Shareholder Legacy".
The FINAL “CBIS GIFT Shares” Issuances!
ALL GIFT Shares 1, 2, & 3 being ISSUED !!!
LAST Steps:
Please confirm Yours NOW !!!
1. CONFIRM Correct Total Share Amount(s)
2. CONFIRM Correct Name(s) on CERTIFICATE
3. CONFIRM Correct Mailing Address
At it's FINEST !!!
Those who, MAKE things happen.
Those who WATCH things happen.
Those who WONDER what the ... HAPPENED ???
We can make this HAPPEN way FASTER Working as a TEAM !!!
WHAT Matters is how much you CARE about KILLING CANCERS ...
This is it ... We are ALL Here ... Now ... with a Bunch of Celebrities going on TV Worldwide to Start raising $20 Million to Keep Killing Cancers.
2025 Audit considerations NASDAQ.
Cannabis Science Inc.
Share Structure 2025
Par Value: $0.001 USD
Last Price: $0.00647 USD
OTC Markets.
Common Stock:
Fully Diluted:
Class A Common Stock
Class B Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Sign up for a FREE Assessment to JOIN the UNIVERSITY Team or any ASU/CSi-EDP Team for whatever your AREA of Expertise is … then say no more… you already know.
You already know our Extensive LIST of GROUNDBREAKING Products.
1-Million STRONG TV Coverage, HARVARD Award Success.
*** APPLY for FREE in CONFIDENCE and Success.
Each Product launch WE RELEASE will include Equity Participation according to standard salaries and share bonus structures.
Raymond, what do you think, how the Trumo administration will affect our case?